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Hi friends!

Hi I'm Jillian. I'm fearlessly updating my home one DIY project at a time and want to show you that you can too. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio with my husband Chris, and our kids Amelia, Jackson, and our pup, Nora.

Chris and I met back in the spring/summer of 2013 during a sand volleyball league. I accidently hit him with the rolling the ball under that net, hitting the scoreboard and then him (lucky shot) . I guess you could say, the rest is history.

How did The Nightingale Creative come about?

I'm starting The Nightingale Creative as a way to gain my confidence back and to show myself that I can do hard things. I want to inspire others to find their creative side and help implement their own projects with confidence.

For far too long, I sat on the sideline of my own life waiting for the next thing to happen for me and watching others living their life to the fullest. Life is by design and I'm taking a leap of FAITH and proving to myself that I can and I will.

Come along for the ride and get inspired to create something beautiful.



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